Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Cause of Macbeths Destruction in William...
The Cause of Macbeths Destruction in William Shakespeares Macbeth In William Shakespeares Macbeth, Macbeth was a well-respected man of noble birth, but his fortune was reversed after he turned to darkness. He plummeted endlessly into a chasm of evil until his corrupt life was ended on the edge of Macduffs blade. Whose actions opened up the path of darkness to Macbeth? Whose actions led to Macbeths demise? The answer is threefold. The weird sisters set Macbeths fate into motion. Lady Macbeth goaded her husband towards the acts of evil that doomed him. Macbeth himself made the choices that cemented his dreadful end. The weird sisters, Lady Macbeth, and Macbeth himself all served to bring about Macbeths downfall.†¦show more content†¦If the prophecies of the witches had not inspired a false sense of invincibility, Macbeth may have been able to keep his head. The weird sisters played a role in the downfall of Macbeth, but they were not the only ones to blame. Lady Macbeth had a hand in the demise of her husband. Aptly described as fiendlike by Prince Malcolm, Lady Macbeth was a major participant in the ruin of Macbeth. She was a woman virtually devoid of human emotions and general scruples. Her lack of principles and mindless ambition made her a proponent of seizing the throne. She goaded her husband into the act of vile murder with the words, Yet do I fear thy nature. / It is too full o the milk of human kindness (Shakespeare 189). Lady Macbeth later said, When you durst do it [kill Duncan], then you were a man (Shakespeare 189). Lady Macbeth called Macbeth weak and made light of his manhood in order to influence him towards the murder of Duncan. Without the influence of his wife, Macbeth may have lacked the single minded resolve to go through with the murder of good King Duncan. In addition to pushing Macbeth to commit the murders, Lady Macbeth acted as accomplice that made his succession to the throne possible. Lady Macbeth came up with the plan to frame two innocent guards fo r the murder of Duncan. ...his two chamberlains [the ones she planned to frame for the murder] / Will I with wine and wassail soShow MoreRelatedMacbeth And Macbeth1274 Words  | 6 Pagesthe two contrasting literary works of Twilight saga: eclipse by Stephenie Meyer and Macbeth by William Shakespeare are alike. The theme of destruction being inevitable in both literary pieces are the same through the element of symbolism used to connect and foreshadow events in each piece. Although the plot for each novel differs, the twin methods of symbolism they utilize evidently leads to inevitable destruction and deserve further examination. Throughout this essay the specific symbols examinedRead MoreThe Effect of Guilt and Evil in Macbeth764 Words  | 4 Pages‘The play, Macbeth, explores the effects of guilt and evil.’ Discuss. 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