Friday, December 20, 2019
Aesthetic Quality in The Design by Robert Frost Essay
Aesthetic quality is the most important characteristic of a poem. Poetry is an art form, and as painters use colours and techniques to define their works, a poet uses language. Symbolism, metaphors, and knowledge of past works, are the ingredients in which all forms of art are comprised. No matter what form art chooses it will leave a lasting impression on those considering it. In the case of the poet, the author must paint a picture in our minds, with the intention that we may question, remember, and appreciate, the beauty of what the poem is trying to say. An excellent example of aesthetic quality in a poem would be that of Robert Frosts Design. This Poem encompasses various forms of aesthetic dimensions, from the selection of†¦show more content†¦The chances of a white spider, sitting on a white flower, carrying a white moth is very unique. This is perhaps the first indication of coincidence, or fate, which is interwoven throughout the poem. Frost also chose the colour white to signify purity, and innocence. By accepting innocence, we are able to forgive the spider for its station in life as a killer, and view the moth as a victim of life`s design (fate). White can also signify death. When a person is deceased, the colour of their skin is a pale white. The dead moth is held up like a white piece of rigid satin cloth(Design, ln.3) Forcing the reader to look past the innocence of nature, and think of the rigid lining of a coffin. At first this line made me think of a wedding dress, being made of satin cloth, but the use of the word rigid, made me reconsider, Due to the fact that a corpse is rigid. This connotation of death brings to light yet another possible use for the colour white. After introducing the situation of the spider and the moth, Frost proceeds to use the word death twice: death and blight(4), dead wings(8), as well as witches broth(6), night (12), and darkness(13). These words are in contrast with the snowdrop spider (7) and flower like a froth(7) compelling the reader to think of the colour black, evenShow MoreRelatedComparision Between Rigid and Flexible Pavement7537 Words  | 31 Pagesexcessive deformation or cracking. 2. Smoothness: Pavement material can be placed and maintained much smoother than in situ material. This helps improve ride comfort and reduce vehicle operating costs. 3. Drainage: Pavement material and geometric design can effect quick and efficient drainage thus eliminating moisture problems such as mud and ponding (puddles). Types of pavements 1. Flexible pavement 2. 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