Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Cause of Macbeths Destruction in William...
The Cause of Macbeths Destruction in William Shakespeares Macbeth In William Shakespeares Macbeth, Macbeth was a well-respected man of noble birth, but his fortune was reversed after he turned to darkness. He plummeted endlessly into a chasm of evil until his corrupt life was ended on the edge of Macduffs blade. Whose actions opened up the path of darkness to Macbeth? Whose actions led to Macbeths demise? The answer is threefold. The weird sisters set Macbeths fate into motion. Lady Macbeth goaded her husband towards the acts of evil that doomed him. Macbeth himself made the choices that cemented his dreadful end. The weird sisters, Lady Macbeth, and Macbeth himself all served to bring about Macbeths downfall.†¦show more content†¦If the prophecies of the witches had not inspired a false sense of invincibility, Macbeth may have been able to keep his head. The weird sisters played a role in the downfall of Macbeth, but they were not the only ones to blame. Lady Macbeth had a hand in the demise of her husband. Aptly described as fiendlike by Prince Malcolm, Lady Macbeth was a major participant in the ruin of Macbeth. She was a woman virtually devoid of human emotions and general scruples. Her lack of principles and mindless ambition made her a proponent of seizing the throne. She goaded her husband into the act of vile murder with the words, Yet do I fear thy nature. / It is too full o the milk of human kindness (Shakespeare 189). Lady Macbeth later said, When you durst do it [kill Duncan], then you were a man (Shakespeare 189). Lady Macbeth called Macbeth weak and made light of his manhood in order to influence him towards the murder of Duncan. Without the influence of his wife, Macbeth may have lacked the single minded resolve to go through with the murder of good King Duncan. In addition to pushing Macbeth to commit the murders, Lady Macbeth acted as accomplice that made his succession to the throne possible. Lady Macbeth came up with the plan to frame two innocent guards fo r the murder of Duncan. ...his two chamberlains [the ones she planned to frame for the murder] / Will I with wine and wassail soShow MoreRelatedMacbeth And Macbeth1274 Words  | 6 Pagesthe two contrasting literary works of Twilight saga: eclipse by Stephenie Meyer and Macbeth by William Shakespeare are alike. The theme of destruction being inevitable in both literary pieces are the same through the element of symbolism used to connect and foreshadow events in each piece. Although the plot for each novel differs, the twin methods of symbolism they utilize evidently leads to inevitable destruction and deserve further examination. Throughout this essay the specific symbols examinedRead MoreThe Effect of Guilt and Evil in Macbeth764 Words  | 4 Pages‘The play, Macbeth, explores the effects of guilt and evil.’ Discuss. 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It discusses the effects that political ambition has on those who seek power. The play begins with the presentation of three witches. Macbeth and Banquo would meet these witches that would then give them their prophecies. Following the witches’ prophecies, Macbeth becomes overly ambitious for power and takes part in the killing of King Duncan, Banquo, and Macduff’s wife and children. The play comesRead MoreDeception and Betrayal in William Shakespeares Macbeth639 Words  | 3 PagesDeception and Betrayal in William Shakespeares Macbeth The play ‘Macbeth†written by William Shakespeare†not only shows us how betrayal and deception undermines society but how it restores the moral law and society back to the way it was before the Thane of Cawdor and the tyrant Macbeth brought about the destruction in the first place. the play Macbeth also featured two changes to the throne of Scotland, both as a result of betrayal, deception, the aid of the weirdRead MoreIrrationality in Dostoevskys Crime and Punishment and Shakespeares Macbeth1378 Words  | 6 PagesShakespeares Macbeth and Dostoevskys Crime and Punishment both explore the significant psychological damage caused by their protagonist’s crimes. They both explore varies forms of existential beliefs in tragedies. The existentialist theory explains the idea that man can satisfy his own needs if he has the power to act on his desires, although its against the social ruling. Raskolnikov and Macbeth both have the power to act, but they both face an internally struggle of action and inaction. BothRead MoreFate Vs. Free Will988 Words  | 4 Pagesthe scottish tragedy Macbeth, William Shakespeare plays with the concept of fate versus free will in the the title character, Macbeth. This internal conflict is sparked and continued by the presence of the witches; three old hags whose primary purpose is presumably to serve evil. The three witches are in control of Macb eth throughout the play by incanting prophecies that ultimately remove Macbeth’s free will. Shakespeare chooses the witches to serve as the stimulant for Macbeth’s unethical downfall
Friday, December 20, 2019
Aesthetic Quality in The Design by Robert Frost Essay
Aesthetic quality is the most important characteristic of a poem. Poetry is an art form, and as painters use colours and techniques to define their works, a poet uses language. Symbolism, metaphors, and knowledge of past works, are the ingredients in which all forms of art are comprised. No matter what form art chooses it will leave a lasting impression on those considering it. In the case of the poet, the author must paint a picture in our minds, with the intention that we may question, remember, and appreciate, the beauty of what the poem is trying to say. An excellent example of aesthetic quality in a poem would be that of Robert Frosts Design. This Poem encompasses various forms of aesthetic dimensions, from the selection of†¦show more content†¦The chances of a white spider, sitting on a white flower, carrying a white moth is very unique. This is perhaps the first indication of coincidence, or fate, which is interwoven throughout the poem. Frost also chose the colour white to signify purity, and innocence. By accepting innocence, we are able to forgive the spider for its station in life as a killer, and view the moth as a victim of life`s design (fate). White can also signify death. When a person is deceased, the colour of their skin is a pale white. The dead moth is held up like a white piece of rigid satin cloth(Design, ln.3) Forcing the reader to look past the innocence of nature, and think of the rigid lining of a coffin. At first this line made me think of a wedding dress, being made of satin cloth, but the use of the word rigid, made me reconsider, Due to the fact that a corpse is rigid. This connotation of death brings to light yet another possible use for the colour white. After introducing the situation of the spider and the moth, Frost proceeds to use the word death twice: death and blight(4), dead wings(8), as well as witches broth(6), night (12), and darkness(13). These words are in contrast with the snowdrop spider (7) and flower like a froth(7) compelling the reader to think of the colour black, evenShow MoreRelatedComparision Between Rigid and Flexible Pavement7537 Words  | 31 Pagesexcessive deformation or cracking. 2. Smoothness: Pavement material can be placed and maintained much smoother than in situ material. This helps improve ride comfort and reduce vehicle operating costs. 3. Drainage: Pavement material and geometric design can effect quick and efficient drainage thus eliminating moisture problems such as mud and ponding (puddles). Types of pavements 1. Flexible pavement 2. 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No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without either the priorRead MoreProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words  | 860 PagesCorporation 37 Goshe Corporation 43 Acorn Industries 49 MIS Project Management at First National Bank Cordova Research Group 70 Cortez Plastics 71 L. P. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Agile Methodology And Pmbok Definition †
Question: Discuss about the Agile Methodology And Pmbok Definition. Answer: Project Management Methodology: Definition Project management methodology is a set of steps, which helps to develop and execute the project with maintaining certain attributes. The methodology regarding theproject management can be of different types. Choosing ofproject management methodology depends on the type and requirement of the project. Methodology of project management starts from the initialization of the goals and requirement of the project and ends with the evaluation and to end the project. Guidelines regarding theproject management are described in the PMBOK. Acceptance of PMBOK is worldwide as the standard for the project management methodology. Role of project methodology in the compilation of the project: Choosing right methodology based on the type of project is important. Project management methodology helps the project managers to indentify the specific requirement; for the project (Snyder,2014). The goals and the required steps for achieving those goals can easily be determined from the project methodology. It helps the to get a clearer view of the knowledge area of the project. PMBOK: Project Management Body of Knowledge is guideline provided for the project methodology. PMBOK is accepted worldwide. It consists of several chapters. The various stages of the project methodology have been described with their certain attributes in this guideline. The first and second chapter of PMBOK discusses the basic things and terms of project management. The third chapter deals with the knowledge area of the project management scope. The detailed guideline about the compilation of the project management is described from fourth chapter to twelfth chapter. The structure of PMBOK has five group of processes. They are- Starting of the project (Initialization) Planning the tasks of the project (Planning phase) Executing the plan (Execution) Controlling of the tasks and monitoring the project Closing the project PMBOK focuses on the knowledge areas of the project scopes. There are ten knowledge based areas of the project management in PMBOK. They are management of - project integration project scope project cost project time communication in the project required human resource for project risk involving in the project Procurement management Managing the stakeholders of project Managing the quality of project Agile Methodology: Agile methodology for developing a project is considered one of the modern approaches regarding project management methodology. SDLC methodology with the iteration can be considered as Agile methodology. The main aim of agile methodology is to deliver a project in time efficient and accurate manner. There are many conventional model like waterfall model regarding the project methodology .The advancement of the technology has changed the type of requirement of the projects which leads to the modification of the methodology. Agile method is suitable for working in this kind of situations. In the agile methodology the communication between the developers and the user group is important. The main aim of this method is the progress of the project and in order to do this face to face communication between the end users and the developer are carried out so that the requirement can be clear from the both ends. Agile methodology has four elements- Product Performance Customer Team There are two types of agile method- Scrum agile Extreme programming(XP) Users stories are used in extreme programming (Abrahamsson et al.,2017).User requirements are defined as users story The users stories are then transferred into class diagram which falls under object oriented environment. The series of different versions the project are called releases. In scrum methods there are three roles defined in the project scopes- The role of Scrum master is similar to project managers in the project. Product owner ensures that the product has met all the requirements. Development team delivers the project in time The team allocates the priority of the requirements of the projects. This is known as product blockage. The time span of the iteration is known as sprint. Daily Scrum defines the daily meeting between the developer and the end users in order to deliver the project with right requirement and the quality. Advantages of Agile method: Agile method is flexible to use and it focuses on the progress of the project. The main advantage of the agile method is that the communication between the end users and the developers are being conducted on a routine basis (Tsai et al., 2016). This helps the developer about the requirement of the end users more clearly and the end users can also become a part of project development. This helps to gain customer satisfaction. The use of various advanced technologies in the agile method makes it acceptable in the scenario of technological advancement. Comparison between PMBOK and Agile methodology: Field of comparison PMBOK Agile Initial phase of project In PMBOK this is the first stage of the project, known as initialization stage. The objective of the project and the goal of the project is determined in this phase. In agile methodology, this phase is known as vision statement(Landry McDaniel, 2016). The finalization of project goals, iterations and timeline of the project is decided in this phase. Planning of the project The main requirements of the project is determined at the beginning of the project and the updating of the requirement and the plan is done during the project timespan. The release plan for a particular project is done at beginning of the project and the timeline of each iteration is done through out the project. Execution plan The execution of the plans which were made at the initial phase of the project is executed in the execution phase. This stage in agile methodology is known as team driven development (Landry McDaniel,2015). The team developers work on the project blockage and the product owner determines the priority of the requirements in the project. According to the given priority the user story is used for the development of the project. Monitoring and controlling of the project Cost, risk, time and quality of the project is controlled and monitored through out the project. In agile methodology the time and cost are the fixed factors. Other factors apart from that is monitored and controlled Closing of the project Formal closing of the project is done in PMBOK (Ghosh, 2015). No feedback is taken for the further modification. No formal closing happens in case of agile methodology. Feedback session is conducted after the release of the version for further modification. Identification of agile methodology with PLC (Project Life Cycle): Project life cycle is the set of inter-related logical phases which determines the sequence of the happenings of the functionality of the task in the project development. It has four stages- Starting the project Planning the project Executing the project Closing the project Determination for choosing the best process: PMBOK provides the framework for the development of the project, whereas agile method combines different advanced technologies under one domain and helps to develop the project in an orderly fashion (Ahimbisibwe, Cavana Daellenbach, 2015). Agile method is flexible and the end users are involved in the development of the project, which delivers the consumer satisfactions. Considering all these things it can be said that using agile method is more preferable in developing a project. References Abrahamsson, P., Salo, O., Ronkainen, J., Warsta, J. (2017). Agile software development methods: Review and analysis.arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.08439. Ahimbisibwe, A., Cavana, R. Y., Daellenbach, U. (2015). A contingency fit model of critical success factors for software development projects: A comparison of agile and traditional plan-based methodologies.Journal of Enterprise Information Management,28(1), 7-33. Ghosh, S. (2015). Systemic Comparison of the Application of EVM in Traditional and Agile Software Project.Integration,5, 3. Landry, J. P., McDaniel, R. (2015). Agile Preparation Within a Traditional Project Management Course. InProceedings of the EDSIG Conference(p. n3429). Landry, J., McDaniel, R. (2016). Agile Preparation Within a Traditional Project Management Course.Information Systems Education Journal,14(6), 27. Snyder, C. S. (2014). A guide to the project management body of knowledge: PMBOK () guide.Project Management Institute: Newtown Square, PA, USA. Sverrisdottir, H. S., Ingason, H. T., Jonasson, H. I. (2014). The role of the product owner in scrum-comparison between theory and practices.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,119, 257-267. Tsai, J., Ho, C. Y., Chang, J., Jiang, J. (2016). The Role of Agile Methodology Use and Feedback Attributes in Game Development Projects: Implications for Game Project Quality
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
“Should Athletes Under the Age of 18 Be Able to Compete in Professional Leagues in Sport†free essay sample
English Essay Debate topic: â€Å"Should athletes under the age of 18 be able to compete in professional leagues in sport? †In this essay I will be discussing reasons why athlete’s under the age of eighteen years old should not compete in professional leagues in sport. The reasoning revolves around three main points, one being that every child should have a chance to have a childhood as normal and uncomplicated as possible. Secondly children need to develop physically, mentally, emotionally and socially instead of being rushed into it. And thirdly is that it can also have a bad result on the child’s health. The first argument that will be looked at is that all children should have the chance to have a childhood that is as close to normal and uncomplicated as possible. Every kid deserves the chance to be a kid. To run around outside, play in the mud and get dirty or play with their favourite toys and save up every bit of their pocket money to get another doll or action figure to add to their collection. We will write a custom essay sample on â€Å"Should Athletes Under the Age of 18 Be Able to Compete in Professional Leagues in Sport?†or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Kids however should not have the need to make big decisions and have lots of responsibility like adults, because that is not what being a kid is all about. Hereby making it an issue for athlete’s under the age of eighteen competing in professional sport. The second argument that will be looked at is that athlete’s under the age of eighteen competing in professional sport should have time to become fully developed in all dimensions of health and to develop physically, mentally, emotionally and socially in all of those areas instead of being rushed into a life that could potentially harm them in the future. The amount of huge changes athlete’s go through when competing in high league professional sports is a lot for anybody to handle, let alone one that is right in the middle of their peak state of development. If this lifestyle was to be chosen for athletes under the age of eighteen, their futures wouldn’t look very promising. The third argument to be discussed is the fact that athlete’s under the age of eighteen competing in professional sports can also have a bad result on the child’s health, especially with all the added stress. It is very widely know how stress is very bad for all aspects of a person’s health, especially a child. Stress can also lead to many different types of mental and physical illnesses such as anxiety, distress, depression, physical sickness, and all very negative side effects. The excess stress that would be put on the body and the child competing would be incredibly harming, especially if the child wasn’t looked after and cared for properly for those sorts of situations. All children have the right to feel safe and cared about, and not caused to feel alone and lost, leading to the reason why athlete’s under the age of eighteen years old should not compete in professional leagues in sport. This essay has showed why it is a bad idea for athlete’s under the age of eighteen years old to compete in professional leagues in sport. Putting children in a place where their life is incredibly complicated and don’t even get to have a real childhood is something that should not happen to anyone. The developments, physically, mentally, emotionally and socially, of a child are something that shouldn’t be messed with, and added stress of the whole situation is very bad for the child’s health. The reasons are why athletes under the age of eighteen should not be allowed to complete in the professional leagues of sport. By Naomi Tomlinson
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