Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Essay Topics That Will Help You Get An Outstanding One
Essay Topics That Will Help You Get An Outstanding OneThere are many different types of explanation essays that you can use for your topic. The topic of a school-level essay is one that is easy to write and usually involves a particular area in your education. It will also help to know a little bit about the topic that you are writing about, so that you can outline it clearly and begin the introduction to your essay. As a student, you will be faced with many different subjects to write about so it is important that you get started right away.First of all, look at the topic of the essay and determine if there is a fact that needs to be mentioned. This is also referred to as a fact or the underlying argument. The facts can include information about the subject matter, a quotation, or a map. You can find information about facts on various websites online. You can also write an essay to go into detail about the facts that you need to address.After you have decided what the facts should b e, then you will need to look at your background information and decide what information needs to be covered. This could be anything from your hobbies, to your family history, or your current situation. Your background information will help to expand your topic and give it depth. Often times, schools prefer to give you a longer topic to work with. If this is the case, you should also make sure that you have written down as much information as possible about your background. Then you will have something to talk about when it comes time to speak in class.What kind of words do you want to use in your essay? This is a decision that you will need to make. There are many different styles to choose from so you will need to pick the one that is most appropriate for you. Try to get a feel for how people would use the style that you choose and talk to other students in your class. Try to pick the style that will best convey your feelings about the topic at hand.In addition to being able to ex press yourself with your own style, you should also be able to get other students to think about the topic that you have chosen. You want your essay to be something that the class can discuss and look at. If you come up with a topic that you know no one else can get past, you will have a difficult time explaining your ideas. Ask for the opinions of other students, and get their comments on your topic.There are also a few different types of essay topics that you can choose from. These can include personality based essay topics, criminal justice topics, politics, history, and even sports. You will need to decide which one you would like to focus on and then start writing. You will want to find a theme for your essay so that you can tie everything together and give it structure.It is important that you consider each of the above points before you set out to write an effective essay topic. Most high school students find themselves writing about these topics in the middle of the semester so you will need to be prepared. Don't be afraid to ask questions if you aren't sure what to write about. Most people who write great essays are able to get their ideas across quickly and make sense to those that read them.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Edgar Allan Poe s The Cask Of Amontillado - 1232 Words
Poe’s Irony To develop the analytical paper about the text â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†by Edgar Allan Poe, some sources will be used to support the thesis statement, which is â€Å"The author uses irony in the text to illustrate the murder of Fortunado by Montresor, who seeks salvation through death†. Also, there is going to be an analysis on the irony found in the text in relation with the story. To support this thesis, I am going to use some examples from some sources such as â€Å"Literary analysis: Irony in The Cask of Amontillado by Amelia Tibbett, â€Å"Irony in The Cask of Amontillado†by Kerry Michael Wood, and â€Å"Poe s Short Stories Summary and Analysis†by Bella Wang , and the text will be written in the third person. Although most of readers†¦show more content†¦The story â€Å"The cask of Amontillado†by Edgar Allan Poe already starts with irony in the first sentence; â€Å"The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge†. By using irony the author allows readers to have different interpretations of his story; for example Poe’s antagonist characters has the name of Fortunado. He is the one that is murdered in the end, thus demonstrating that he is not as fortunate as his name seems to indicate. Bella Wang and Amelia Tibbett exemplify this by saying, in her analysis of Poe’s story; â€Å"Poe gives the victim the name of Fortunato, which may mean fortunate in Italian, but adds an extra element of cynical humor to Fortunato s jovial and unsuspecting character.†(Wang) and also â€Å"the word luckily also recalls the meaning of Fortunato s name and is thus entirely unfitting for Fortunato s fate.†(Wang). Moreover, in her analysis of the text, Amelia Tibbett confirms the fact that the reader has a kind of freedom in interoperating the story; Poe cleverly weaves this story so that he has perfect control over the narrative, all the while allowing the reader some freedom in their own interpretations. (Tibbett). In addition to this, the murder happens on carnival, which is an environment filled with festivity. It is also not a good environment to have a murder take place in. This is illustrated by Kerry Michael Wood; â€Å"the ironies grow more numerous. It is the carnival season -
Saturday, May 16, 2020
My Family Vacation At Disney World - 871 Words
As a child, I believed that I was invincible. Nothing stood in my way and if it did, I just tore the obstacle down from the source. Whether it was trees to climb, pools to jump in, or wild hair getting in my way; I always overcame them. There was point in my childhood though, I realized not everything was under my control and power. I didn’t receive everything I desired like I was believing. My childhood untainted mind was rocked with a new discovery and mindset. Of all places for this change to happen, it was on a family vacation to Disney World. I had thought even before this incident that I had been treated with unjust actions by my mother, but deep down I knew I earned the punishment I got. A five year old girl who cut off her hair would make any mother go into a frenzy. Of course I didn’t understand this, and thought my mother would be proud of me for solving my own problems. The way she dragged me by the arm into the hair salon; I could feel her anger pouring off and onto me like tsunami waves hitting shore. Once my hair was fixed from the casualty I had inflicted upon it, my mother still would look at me with disappointment. Now that I look back on it, she was probably feeling the same way as I. I had made her worry and fix something that was my own fault. I was unfair to her, to make her go through those emotions when they weren t needed. They were out of her control, because there was no possible way for her to predict my actions. Nor could I predict theShow MoreRelatedDescriptive Essay : Calgon, Take Me Away ! 822 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Calgon, take me away!†When I think of an amazing vacation, I have the imagery of a tropical paradise with the waves crashing on the beach and the sound of the wind rustling in the palm trees. That is close to the imagery the Calgon commercial portrayed. Maybe, I am biased to beach vacations because of the commercial. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Amitai Etzioni a New Community - 1322 Words
What is a community? To many it is a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage. For many this is an abstract term. Many people don’t exactly know what a community is. It can be felt or touched and sure enough it can’t be seen. Society also plays a role in this relative and abstract term of community. Meaning, the body of human beings generally, associated or viewed as members of a community. Amitai Etzioni in his article â€Å"The New Community†introduces and compares the ideas of two distinct types of social relations, â€Å"gemeinschaft†and â€Å"gesellschaft†and argues for the necessity of both to maintain the social foundations of morality. The†¦show more content†¦A community to me is people coming together and becoming united to help better the environment and the geography around them. Interpersonal relationships play an especial ly important role. This group’s relationship binds people together with the social glue of concord this means that relationships are viewed as real, organic and ends in themselves. People feel connected to others because they feel a unity of spirit and personal connection. Relationships are coreShow MoreRelatedTechnology and Cultures Essay877 Words  | 4 PagesModern society involves the transition of a new era: the transition is partly brought out through the use of cultural tradition, and through the production of new ideas and the invention of new techniques. The latter may be appropriated and adapted from outside a given culture in addition to what can be acquired from within the culture itself by way of exercise of the academic, evaluative, and adaptive capacities. A sustained interest in science is important for at least two reasons. 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I personally disagree, as I was one such student who found great value and learned excellent skills in my workRead MoreChanging American Families Essay1427 Words  | 6 Pagesprofessional careers putting in 40 plus hours a week, plus travel and home worries dont have enough time for family. And so children are not left with quality time which means little time from parents and with what sociologist Amitai Etzioni of George Washington University calls quality phone calls such as Honey, I wont be home. I love you. Though the intent is not to neglect the child, this can turn out to be neglect in effect. The worry is, what does this do toRead MoreSpace Exploration : An Amazing Achievement For Science915 Words  | 4 Pagesspace exploration have helped economically and scientific breakthroughs, There is a split divide in opinion of the space program since some may before it while others are against it. 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Family Genogram is Similar to the Family Tree - 730 Words
Family Genogram A genogram is a tool similar to a family tree that is used to track family history and family relationships. Genograms contain basic information such as: names, genders, birth/death dates, illnesses, social behaviors, achievements, education, family relationships, social relationships and emotional relationships (Genogram Guide, 2009). This paper will summarize finding after completing a three generation genogram of this author’s family history beginning with the maternal (Johnson) and paternal (West) grandparents. The general traits that were analyzed was the family relationships, social disorders and medical issues associated with the family. Medical Issues The Johnson and West family health issues is mainly hypertension or high blood pressure (HBP) for both male and female. An individual with a blood pressure of 140/90 or greater is considered elevated. It is believed by the second generation, which consist of this author’s mother and mother’s siblings, that hypertension was inherited from the first generation. The first generation consist of this author’s paternal and maternal grandparents. The third generation consist of this author plus this author’s aunts’ and uncles’ children. The third generation tend to be in better health than the first and second generation. The third general do not have any high blood pressure problems. Several of the men and women of the second generation are obese. Obesity is a factor that can cause HBP. IncreasedShow MoreRelatedHow Therapists Can Use With Their Clients2475 Words  | 10 Pageswould use in my practice are the family drawing technique, the miracle question, and a genogram. The three techniques that I would not use are thought stopping, going home, and directives. One of the techniques that I would use in my own practice is the family drawing technique. I would use this technique it helps the therapist observe family interactions. Jordan (2001) states that Hana Kwiatkowska was the pioneer of using art therapy in family settings and family counseling to â€Å"promote spontaneousRead MoreBowen Family Systems Theory Summary1633 Words  | 5 PagesBowen’s Family Systems Theory Bowen’s Family Systems Theory Overview This adaptation of systems theory was coined by Dr. Murray Bowen and is referred to as Bowen’s Family Systems Theory. According to Murdock (2013), this particular adaptation of systems theory is considered one of the most reputable and well constructed compared to that of its counterparts. The author states that family systems theories can be utilized with individuals as well as with specific relationships within the family unitRead MoreVignette For Summer 2015 Competency Exam4212 Words  | 17 PagesBess worked hard and consistently succeeded in school. Bess was not popular in school and although she had some male friends she wasn’t good at expressing any romantic interest. As a result, Bess had some anxieties about dating, marriage, having a family and other related issues. She reported handling these anxieties by distracting herself with her work. She describes that most evenings she works rather late and then comes home, fixes her dinner and watches televis ion until she falls asleep. FrequentlyRead MoreFamily Nursing Calgary Assessment Paper9794 Words  | 40 PagesAssessment of the Fournier Family Danielle Fournier Elmira College Abstract Assessment, the first step in the nursing process, is a concept that must grasped in order for nurses to possess the solid foundation required to develop a plan and provide optimal care to their patients. This assessment is significant not only to individual patients, but their families, who are becoming increasingly recognized for their significance to the health and well being of individual family members. Nurses use aRead MoreMarriage Guidance: Summary Notes19959 Words  | 80 PagesA partner should choose the person above all others at all times. → A partner should allow the person to continue to take part in all the activities that he/she was involved in before the relationship began. Introjected expectations bought from family of origin, society and media are unrealistic myths. Expectations about roles and responsibilities → Traditionally- culture defined, prescribed and allocated non-negotiable rules and duties, often according to gender. → Today – more egalitarianRead MoreAnalysing Observation in Social Work Essay10487 Words  | 42 PagesContents Page 1. Family Details 3 2. Observation Analysis 4 3. Life Span Development 7 4. Sociology 10 5. Social Policy 13 6. References 16 7. Appendices 21 i) Recording Observation 21 ii) Community Profile 28 iii) Consent form 45 Family Details This observation is based on a family consisting of a young professional married couple and their three year old daughter. I observed them
Discuss the similarities and dissimilarities between the Prioresse and the Wife Bath Essay Example For Students
Discuss the similarities and dissimilarities between the Prioresse and the Wife Bath Essay In this essay I will discuss the similarities and dissimilarities between the Prioresse and the Wife Bath. Despite what may seem that they are obviously different, they are actually quite similar. Firstly, the fact that they are both on the pilgrimage in the first place shows that they are both successful and independent. To go on a pilgrimage as individual single women in this time was unusual. It meant that you had to have money and status, to afford the trip and to be confident enough to go without a husband. The Prioresse is the head of a nunnery, so she must surely be strong and wealthy because in being the head she is earning more money than most women, and to be the head also means you have strong leadership qualities. The Wife of Bath owns an imperative clothing and fabric business in what was very much a mans world. At making cloth she had so great a bent She bettered those of Ypres and even Ghent. The two women are also both wealthy from their successful careers, and in the Prioresses case, she was likely to be from a wealthy family as well. We can see their wealth from their clothing. Close gartered, and her shoes were soft and new, Chaucer tells us about the Wife of Baths outfit. On the Prioresse, he lets us know she is wealthy because he describes her wearing imported jewellery very expensive. Of coral small about her arm shed bear A string of beads and gauded all with green. Clearly the Prioresse and the Wife of Bath are both wealthy if they can afford to buy such extravagant things to wear. When Chaucer describes the Wife of Bath he also mentions her five dead husbands. With five churched husbands bringing joy and strife. This tells us she is wealthy because she must have inherited a lot from her late hubbies. Another point that makes the Prioresse appear to be rich is that she has some dogs that she feeds on the best quality food. She had some little dogs, too, that she fed On roasted flesh, or milk and fine white bread. Obviously if the Prioresse can afford to waste money on excellent food and pets, she is wealthy. The Wife of Bath also appears to be rich when we are told that she has been on many other pilgrimages abroad, which would have been very expensive in that time. Three times shed journeyed to Jerusalem; And many a foreign stream shed had to stem; Another similarity between the two women is that they are both eager to impress others. The Prioresse delights in displaying her knowledge of the French language. And fair she spoke her French, and fluently, She also displays her table manners and etiquette rather more than necessary. In courtesy she had delight and zest. Chaucer also lets us know that the Prioresse showed off her manners often because he thinks she was trying to act like a court lady. She was at pains to counterfeit the look Of courtliness, and stately manners took. The Wife of Bath was also one to enjoy impressing others. She thought she was the most important woman in the parish, and always had to be the first to put the offering in the plate to show her importance. In all the parish there was no good wife Should offering make before her, on my life, The fact that she had to make the first offering shows that she was the most important person there, because in that time the offerings in the plate were given out in social order from the most significant person to the least significant. .ue62970ad1696b86adb618566b0c4536c , .ue62970ad1696b86adb618566b0c4536c .postImageUrl , .ue62970ad1696b86adb618566b0c4536c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue62970ad1696b86adb618566b0c4536c , .ue62970ad1696b86adb618566b0c4536c:hover , .ue62970ad1696b86adb618566b0c4536c:visited , .ue62970ad1696b86adb618566b0c4536c:active { border:0!important; } .ue62970ad1696b86adb618566b0c4536c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue62970ad1696b86adb618566b0c4536c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue62970ad1696b86adb618566b0c4536c:active , .ue62970ad1696b86adb618566b0c4536c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue62970ad1696b86adb618566b0c4536c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue62970ad1696b86adb618566b0c4536c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue62970ad1696b86adb618566b0c4536c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue62970ad1696b86adb618566b0c4536c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue62970ad1696b86adb618566b0c4536c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue62970ad1696b86adb618566b0c4536c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue62970ad1696b86adb618566b0c4536c .ue62970ad1696b86adb618566b0c4536c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue62970ad1696b86adb618566b0c4536c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: How does Browning in "Porphyria's lover" and "Laboratory" convey the workings of a diseased mind EssayThe Wife of Bath also showed off her headdress and clothes in church to show off her status. Her kercheifs were of finest weave and ground. Another similarity is that they are both inevitably vain and very aware of their appearance. The Prioresse, despite having taken a vow of chastity at the nunnery, pulled her wimple up to show her forehead, which was thought to be an attractive feature. But certainly she had a fair forehead It was almost a full span broad, I own Chaucer also suggests that the Prioresse is wearing rouge. Her mouth was small and therewith small and red. The fact that she is wearing rouge proves she is vain and very interested in making herself look good, possibly for men. We can tell that the Wife of Bath is vain and aware of her appearance because she wears bright, fashionable clothes, which are meant for younger women. Her hose was of the choicest scarlet red When we read this we think that the Wife of Bath must think a lot of her looks if she wears such bright, eye-catching clothes. These two characters are also alike in both being interested in the opposite sex. The most romantically experienced is obviously the Wife of Bath, who has had five husbands. The remedies of love she knew, perchance, For of that art the old, old dance. Here in the final sentence of her passage, Chaucer tells us clearly she is experienced in the romantic sense. The Wife of Bath is clearly interested in the opposite sex. She appears to be looking for husband number six because of the clothes she wears, which are loud and extravagant. Her kercheifs were of finest weave and ground; I dare swear that they weighed a full ten pound. As well as being vain, the Wife of Bath is looking for another husband. The Prioresse is also worryingly interested in the opposite sex. I say worryingly because as a nun she has taken a vow of chastity and as a rule shouldnt be interested in anything but God, but she is clearly making herself look more attractive that she should. Her nose was fine; her eyes were blue as glass; Chaucer describes her as very pretty, but as a nun she should really be trying to make herself look unattractive. Her name, Madam Eglantine, is named after a famous medieval romantic heroine and this also hints that she is not innocent or pure. The Prioresse also wore a brooch that has hints at her love life. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ hung a brooch of golden sheen Whereon there was first written a crowned A, And under, Amor vincit omnia. Amor vincit omnia means Love conquers all. This brooch could mean love of God- but this could also be a possible love token from a man. Despite their many similarities, there is some dissimilarity, too. Firstly, they have different backgrounds. The Wife of Bath owns a business and is competing with businesses in the world. At making cloth she had so great a bent She bettered those of Ypres and even Ghent This quote describes the high quality of her business and therefore we assume that the Wife of Bath is a successful experienced businesswoman who hasnt led a sheltered life. She is a professional woman in a trade dominated by men. The Prioresse, however, as a nun, has led a very sheltered life in convents and inexperienced and naÃÆ' ¯ve as to the ways of the world. Also, romantically they are almost opposites. Being a nun, the Prioresse is obviously a virgin and is not allowed to see anyone romantically. However, the Wife of Bath has had five husbands and is described so that we believe she has a sex life. Gap-toothed was she, it is no lie to say .u15fa61ffc2a239437bb757d1f9a3b790 , .u15fa61ffc2a239437bb757d1f9a3b790 .postImageUrl , .u15fa61ffc2a239437bb757d1f9a3b790 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u15fa61ffc2a239437bb757d1f9a3b790 , .u15fa61ffc2a239437bb757d1f9a3b790:hover , .u15fa61ffc2a239437bb757d1f9a3b790:visited , .u15fa61ffc2a239437bb757d1f9a3b790:active { border:0!important; } .u15fa61ffc2a239437bb757d1f9a3b790 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u15fa61ffc2a239437bb757d1f9a3b790 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u15fa61ffc2a239437bb757d1f9a3b790:active , .u15fa61ffc2a239437bb757d1f9a3b790:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u15fa61ffc2a239437bb757d1f9a3b790 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u15fa61ffc2a239437bb757d1f9a3b790 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u15fa61ffc2a239437bb757d1f9a3b790 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u15fa61ffc2a239437bb757d1f9a3b790 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u15fa61ffc2a239437bb757d1f9a3b790:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u15fa61ffc2a239437bb757d1f9a3b790 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u15fa61ffc2a239437bb757d1f9a3b790 .u15fa61ffc2a239437bb757d1f9a3b790-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u15fa61ffc2a239437bb757d1f9a3b790:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Poetry Analysis Essay ThesisAt that time it was thought to be sexy to have gapped teeth. Another point that shows their differences is that the Prioresse and Wife of Bath come from different class backgrounds. The Prioresse us educated and literate, which she shows off at every opportunity. She also spoke French. And fair she spoke her French, and fluently, It was highly expensive and unusual for women to even be educated in those days, so she must come from a well off, upper class background. However, the Wife of Bath has worked her way into her respected position in society from the merchant class. I conclude that these two women, in their different ways and approaches, are both equally admirable because they are individual and strong despite being surrounded by men.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Perspective Responsive Designing Principle â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Perspective Responsive Designing Principle? Answer: Introduction With the increasing number of mobile devices with variable screen sizes are used and adopted by the users throughout the world, the need for the responsive web design is also becomes more important for the designers. This becomes more important as without the responsive design the websites does not provide a consistent view on the different devices the users are trying to open it. Presently the sites are developed with the responsive layout by keeping in mind the small resolution of 320 pixels to the larger resolutions like, devices with 120 pixels. The following report contributes to the review and explanations about the different features of a given site makezine.com, positive and negative aspects of the provided site from the perspective of the users and numerous recommendations that can help in improving the experience of the users when they interact with the given site. In addition to that the tools used for the testing are also discussed in the different sections marketing report along with the advantages and disadvantages of the tool. Moreover, other available tools to test websites are also discussed in this report. Overview and description The makezine.com is a digital magazine that publishes articles on DIY or DIWO project related to the computer, woodcraft, metal works as well as electronics and robotics. The pages of the site are using the responsive web designing methodology. This helps the user to see the site in a consistent layout on the different devices with varying screen size. Identification of the main features of the Site The given website is served with GZIP encoding to the users that helps in the reduction in the loading time for the webpages of the website. In addition to that, all the pages are also optimised for mobile viewing as majority of the users are using mobile or smart phone devices in order to access the site. For this optimization the pages are developed using the media specific CSS. The use of the media specific CSS enables the browsers on the smartphones or other similar devices to detect the screen size and optimize the pages as per the size as well as in efficiently rendering the navigation controls, images and texts. This site also follows the standard practice of using a permanent URL HTTP 301 redirecting process in the different URLs of the different pages that are with/without trailing slashes. Positive aspects Use of the Media Specific CSS: All the pages in the sites are developed and delivered to the users with the media specific CSS for consistent view regardless of the screen size of the screen of the devices (Voutilainen, Salonen and Mikkonen 2015). Thus leads to the better users experience whether the access the site through a work station or a smart phone device. Efficient use of the Web page Titles: All the web pages of the given site efficiently uses page titles. These page titles appears on the top of the search results for a search engine results as well as at the top of the users browser windows. Use of appropriate page titles can help in search engine ranking optimization to be in the top results in the search results. Negative aspects Lack of height and Width HTML tag: While evaluating the given website makezine.com, we found that the most of the images on the different pages of the site almost 98.0% images does not have any defined size by utilizing the height and width HTML attributes on the pages (Voutilainen, Salonen and Mikkonen 2015). Even though these HTML attributes are considered as operations by the web page designers but are strongly recommended as this attributes help the web browser load the web pages faster as the browser can render the total page while keeping the space for the image on the page. The Web browsers download the page data in a parallel way as well as they try to render the webpage as soon as possible with the downloaded data (Baturay and Birtane 2013). If the image height and width of the source images is not specified, the browser would not have any idea about the dimension of the image and the space it is going to take on the web page until the image is fully downloaded by the browser. This delay in the download of the image and rendering process forces the web browser to frequently reflow or repaint the layout of the page. This consequently leads to the overall delay in the complete load time. With the more number of images with the same issue the more time browser will take to load the web page (Voutilainen, Salonen and Mikkonen 2015). If the height and width of the images are specified either in supporting CSS or in the main HTML code then the web browser can easily avoid the frequent repaints of the layout of the page as per the downloaded content. Lack of Description Meta tags: In our observation all the pages of the site include some metadata. On the other hand only 40.0% of the web pages in the site consist of a description Meta tag. The description Meta data on every page is considered as important because it is used by the search engines whenever a user searches for some site that matches with the similar Meta tags and with better Meta tags it can improve the ranking on the search result pages. Empty headings: In our observations we found that some of the headings on the different pages are empty or are incorrectly defined (Baturay and Birtane 2013). These empty headings can irritate the users as are of no value to impact the search engine results. At the end it makes a website less accessible and are avoided by the users. The pages on the site uses proper contrast between the back ground of the page and the elements on the foreground. In addition to that, the pages also contains well defined headings that makes the user easily interact with the content under each and every heading with lesser amount of effort. Recommendation to be made to the site Including Meta data on all the pages: It is to be ensured that every page on the site include at least a Meta description for their Meta Tags. If this Meta Data is not included on the pages then search engines will arbitrarily choose some sample text from webpages in order to determine the appearance in the results list. Inclusion of Meta description can improve the appearance of the site in the search engine results. Proper use of the headings and content under them: It needs to be made sure that all the headings on the different pages have at least some content relevant to the heading on the pages. Incorrect use of the headers on the pages: Some of the web pages of the site contains headings that are not defined correctly. As per the standard convention, the H1 tag must be used for top-level headings on the pages, H2 needs to be used for sub-headings under the main headings,H3, H4 for sub-headings that comes after and so-on. Not using this convention results in confusion in the visitors to the site. RWD principles RWD or the Responsive web design is considered as an approach in the field of web design that delivers an optimal interaction and viewing experience through the wide range of users devices with varying screen sizes such as desktop computer monitors, hand held smart phones. There are mainly 9 principles that are to be maintained and adopted while designing a responsive web design. The principles are briefly described below. Flow of the Content: With the smaller screen sizes of the devices the content on the page takes up more and more vertical space, thus the next part in the content is pushed down so that it would not interrupt the users view. Pushing down the content of the webpages for better viewing is called flow. Use of relative Units: The viewing screen can be a smart phone screen, desktop, or other devices. Pixel density on the different devices also varies, therefore in the designing the web pages some units requires that are flexible to work with. In this scenario, relative units like percent of the screen size is helpful. Therefore making something 40% wide on the screen, will imply that the element will always 40% of the screen. For this viewport can be used that is total size of web browser window. Use of the Vectors instead of image files: In case the used images on the web pages does not contain some specific effects, it is suggested to use the Vectors. As the Vectors can provide consistent view of all the images even though they are zoomed out. Use of Web fonts: In the responsive web designs the use of the web fonts is encouraged so that the view of the pages can be made attractive. At the same time it is also important to keep in mind that, the increased number of used web fonts increases the loading time of the web pages as the page loads only after all the packages are downloaded. Mobile first approach: As the number of smart phone devices and their users increasing day by day (Voutilainen, Salonen and Mikkonen 2015). A large number of users access the site through the smart phones thus it is suggested to develop the website with mobile first approach. Use of Max and Min values for different elements: Use of the Max and Min values in order to restrict the stretching of the content of the site throughout the page or screen. As an example for the content or an element having width 100% will result in the stretching of the total content or element all over the screen. On the other hand the fixing the max width 100px would restrict the content from filling the overall screen, but go over 100px. Use of the Nested objects in the design: In the web pages that consist of lot of elements that depends on each other for their position on the screen. In this scenario it would be difficult to control the positions and appearance on the screens. In order to avoid this issues, it is important to wrap elements in a container in HTML code (Baturay and Birtane 2013). This makes the elements more clean, understandable as well as tidy on the screen. In this scenario the static units for the screen sizes such as pixels can help to position the elements. Relevance with the principles According to our tests the pages of the site is developed depending on the nine RWD principles discussed above. Such as the Simulation tools used for the review For reviewing the given site we have used the Chrome device simulator of the chrome browser. Advantages The chrome device simulator is helpful in the following ways, Helps the developers to find unexpected behaviour of the responsive sites on different viewports. It is free and open source The emulator can be connected with IDEs so that early testing during the development of the pages can be done. It is an inexpensive solution for the testing of the sites. Disadvantages For any device and its browser, there are mainly three components that are important for rendering the sites which are, Screen size of the device: It is the size of the viewport of the device to render the webpage. User Agent: It is the component of the browser that informs the website about itself and its attributes to retrieve the appropriate HTML. Rendering Engine of the browser: It is the code of browser which is used to interpret the HTML/CSS on the page. After that it renders and create what the users see in the browser. The chrome device simulator can accommodate the requirement one and two in the above list. On the other hand, in case of the Rendering engine the Chrome device simulator cannot emulate the behaviour of a real one leading to the inefficient testing and results (Baturay and Birtane 2013). Unable to emulate Device hardware: CPU and GPU behaviour are not emulated in this simulation tool. Browser User Interface: The emulator is unable to emulate the address bar and other system UI elements. In addition to that, native displays, such aselements, are not emulated as list. Some enrichments, like number inputs, keypad mode, varies from actual mobile device behaviour. Other browser functionalities like, the iOS orientation zoom is not emulated in the chrome device emulator. In addition to that, line-height CSS property operates in the emulator, but is not supported in the browsers like Opera Mini. Similar tools available for testing Responsinator.com: Responsinator is an online tool that helps website designers quickly get an overview about their responsive website. Changing the device settings on the site they can test their sites on the most popular devices starting from the desktops to the smart. The site does not exactly replicate how it will look and act on the devices thus the site suggest use of the real devices for accurate testing result. MobileTest.me: The Site helps the developers to select from a wide range of mobile devices with different screen sizes so that they can observe the appearance on the viewports of those devices. Conclusion In developing the responsive web design, it can help in the decreasing the development cost for different platforms as it uses single and common code Base. Responsive websites utilize one code base for all devices with varying screen sizes, which implies that only one site needs to be maintained, which can mean less cost after some time. Responsive website designs enables applications for adjusting powerfully to different screen sizes, extents, and introductions. RWD is a way to deal with the issue of outlining for the colossal number of gadgets running from little cell phones to extensive desktop screens. The most important technical issue for developers taking a shot at responsive destinations is progressively resizing pictures. Utilizing CSS2 to code for pictures in adaptable design that resize for various measured viewport is simple. The issue is that smartphones need to download the full-estimate picture before measuring it to fit the show. At the end the, development costs for responsive plans add expenses to the advancement stage. As opposed to planning one interface, designers now need to code to support more than one devices and test them all. References Rogatnev, N., 2015. Responsive Web Design. Kim, B., 2013. Responsive web design, discoverability, and mobile challenge. Library technology reports, 49(6), pp.29-39. Baturay, M.H. and Birtane, M., 2013. Responsive web design: a new type of design for web-based instructional content. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 106, pp.2275-2279. Hussain, A. and Mkpojiogu, E.O., 2015. The effect of responsive web design on the user experience with laptop and Smartphone devices. management Teknologi, 77(4), pp.41-47. Fielding, J., 2014. Beginning Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3. accounting. Lestari, D.M., Hardianto, D. and Hidayanto, A.N., 2014. Analysis of user experience quality on responsive web design from its informative perspective. Int. J. Softw. Eng. Appl, 8(5), pp.53-62. 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