Monday, September 30, 2019
Issues in Testing Very Young Children
Testing children has grown both more aggressive and widespread in recent times as concerning issues have arisen as to the pressure these tests and parents put into a child. In fact some kindergartens have been testing children before enrolling them. This might be appropiate for college but for children! In my opinion that’s just too aggressive teachers! Surprisingly this type of testing has occurred for a long time. What’s really surprising is that this has been going on for the past 30 or so years ever since educational testing first became popular in the early 1900’s. However while noting that some early childhood testing were usefull, researchers have pointed out that tests tend to be more or less reliable at very early ages. This and other concerns have led to some changed in thinking and practice over the years. In 1998, a group of experts reviewed existing research and practice on the assessment of young children and recommended that: â€Å"†¦screening tests should not be used as readiness tests to exclude children from school; they should not be used to track children by ability in kindergarten and first grade; and they should not be used to plan instruction unless a valid relationship with local curricula has been established. †The cautions of the previously mentioned researchers resulted in the delaying of tests in most public schools until the 3rd grade. The 2011 No child left behind act required school testing in mathematics, reading/language arts and science, starting the third grade. Nonetheless, a number of private schools, including religious schools, do require entering kindergarteners to pass a test as part of their admission requirements. An example is N. E. S who require 4th graders to take a test onto which they place them later on in 5th and 6th grades in different mathematic sets. Furthermore at 6th grade, 6th graders are required to take another test of both English and mathematics to determine later levels in those areas in N. E. S’s high school also known as their ‘Senior’ department. What guidelines have been established for assessing young children? In 1998, the ‘goal 1’ childhood assessment resource group recommended to the national education goals panel the following guidelines for the assessment of young children: 1. Before age 8, standardized achievement measures are not sufficiently accurate to be used for high stakes decision-making about individual children and schools. Therefore, high-stakes assessments intended for accountability purposes should be delayed until the end of third grade (or preferably fourth grade). . †¦[prior to the third grade] policymakers at the state and district level could reasonably require that teachers and the schools have procedures in place to monitor student progress using instructionally relevant assessments, and that schools have a plan for providing intensified special help if children are having difficulty, especially learning t o read. The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) offers a general rule for testing young children: The purpose of testing must be to improve services for children and ensure that children benefit from their educational experiences. †Specific NAEYC guidelines support the use of more than just test scores for assessing young children. They emphasize that decisions that have a major impact on children, such as enrollment, retention, or assignment to remedial or special classes, should be based on multiple sources of information and should never be based on a single test score. Resources: 1)NAEYC –http://www. naeyc. org/– 2)Wiki 3)Google
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Classification of Fish
Whitney East Mr. Beall Speech 1200 October 24, 2012 Outline: Topical Classifying Fish Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the different classifications of fish. Central Idea: Fish are classified by their different characteristics which sorts them into different classes like Agnatha, Chondrichthyes, and Osteichthyes. Introduction I. Classification of living things helps people to understand how living organisms may or may not be related to each other. A. The system of classification we use today was invented 200 years ago by Carl Linnaeus.B. Carl Linnaeus system of classification groups organisms by their characteristics or features they have in common. II. According to the book Vertebrate Biology by ORR Robert; Fish, mammals, reptiles, birds, and amphibians are classified together as vertebrates because they all have an internal backbone. III. In researching this particular topic, I learned that the most important characteristics used in fish classification are the type of bone in their skeleton, the gill structure, the number and shape of fins, and the type of scales. IV.Now I will introduce you to the characteristics and the three different classes of fish. â€Å"Jawless (Agnatha), Cartilaginous (Chondrichthyes), and Bony Fish (Osteichthyes). Body I. The Agnatha class is the oldest group, similar to fish but with some different characteristics. A. As explained in The Evolution of Vertebrate Design, certain characteristics like lacking jaws is what classified fish to this class. 1. The Agnatha class lacks an internal bone skeleton, jaws, and paired fins. 2. Instead of jaws, they have circular toothed mouths called cyclostomic. Which they use to suck blood from the side of their prey. . They have a smooth, scale less skin which is soft to the touch. B. There are two living groups of Agnatha the lampreys and Hagfish 1. Lamprey have a single dorsal nostril, a pineal eye, three fins (anterior, posterior, and caudal fin), and a long row or circular gill pouch openings. They make a living being a parasite that eventually kills the prey they latch onto. 2. Hagfish have long eel-like bodies, no eyes, no true fins, a single nostril, up to eight barbels (like whiskers/tentacles for fish) and have rows of horny teeth used to grasp food and draw it in. II.Chondrichthyes fish today include both fearsome predator characteristics and harmless characteristics. A. As explained in Vertebrate Biology, all Chondrichthyes lack true bone. 1. The Chondrichthyes fish have full cartilage skeletons. 2. They have teeth that are made of calcium which grow in rows throughout the fish’s life. 3. They have a regular pattern of fins and there external skin is entirely cartilaginous. B. Sharks, skates, and rays make up the Chondrichthyes class. 1. Sharks have pointed snouts and crescent shaped mouths with several rows of sharp triangular teeth.They have five gills on each side that have individual gill slits shown externally. 2. Skates are rounded to d iamond shaped. They have large pectoral fins extending from the snout to the base of their tail. The mouth and gills are on the underside of their bodies. Skates are bottom dwellers and trap their prey by dropping down on their prey from above. 3. Rays can be classified into the following groups: electric rays, sawfish, skates, and many families of rays that have slender whip like tails. III. The Osteichthyes (bony fish) is the largest class of vertebrates with over 20,000 species.A. Stephen Savage states in the book Fish that, Osteichthyes have skeletons made of bone, flat scales, and gills. 1. Bony fish have a much stiffer skeleton because it is reinforced by calcium salts. 2. Bony fish also have acute eyesight unlike other classes of fish 3. Bony fish have a special organ called a swim blatter housed under their bony skeleton is a gas filled chamber that allows the fish to remain floating in the water. B. Tuna and Seahorses are examples of bony fish (Osteichthyes) 1. The tuna is stout in the middle and tappers to points at both ends.The tuna had two closely spaced dorsal fins on its back. The tuna is generally metallic dark blue color on its sides and silvery on its underside. 2. The seahorse has a heavy bony armor which makes them poor swimmers. They mostly anchor themselves with their tails to things like seaweed or other kinds of plants. They have a transparent dorsal fin on its back that propels them forward. Conclusion I. An animal is not a fish unless it has all the right characteristics II. No matter how different fish are, most fish share several basic characteristics: fins, gills, scales, and hatch babies from eggs. III.Fish classification is sometimes confusing and difficult, but it is a useful way of learning about different groups of fascinating fish around the world.Bibliography Animal Planet. N. p. , n. d. Web. 23 Oct. 2012. <http://animals. howstuffworks. com/fish/fish-info5. htm>. ORR, ROBERT T. VERTEBRATE BIOLOGY. FOURTH ed. PHILADELP HIA: W. B. SAUNDERS, 1976. Print. Radinsky, Leonard B. The Evolution of Vertebrate Design: Leonard B. Radinsky. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1987. Print. Savage, Stephen. Fish. Austin,Texas: Raintree, 2000. Print. Wallace, Holly. Classification. Chicago: Heinemann Library, 2000. Print.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Types of Abuse/Signs & Symptoms
Types of Abuse/Signs & Symptoms ‘No Secrets' identifies categories of abuse. They are: Physical Abuse Abusive Action Signs & Symptoms Hitting. Slapping. Pushing. Kicking. Misuse of medication. Restraint. Inappropriate sanctions. Series of unexplained falls or major injuries. Injuries/bruises at different stages of healing. Bruising in unusual sites e. g. inner arms, thighs. Abrasions. Teeth indentations. Injuries to head or face. Client very passive. Sexual Abuse Abusive Action Signs & Symptoms Including rape and sexual assault or sexual acts to which the vulnerable adult has not consented, or could consent, or was pressured into onsenting. Change in behaviour. Overt sexual behaviour or language. Difficulty in walking, sitting. Injuries to genital and/or anal area. Neglect Abusive Action Signs & Symptoms Includes acts of omission. Ignoring physical or medical care needs. Failure to provide access to appropriate health, social care or educational services. Withholding necessitie s of life e. g. medications, nutrition, heating. Absence of food, heat, hygiene, clothing, comfort. Preventing client to have access to services. Isolation. Absence of prescribed medication. Psychological Abuse Abusive Action Signs & Symptoms Emotional abuse. Threats of harm or bandonment. Deprivation of contact. Humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse, isolation or withdrawal from services or supportive networks. Withdrawal, depression. Cowering and fearfulness. Change in sleep patterns. Agitation, confusion, change in behaviour. Change in appetite/weight. Financial Abuse Abuse Action Signs & Symptoms Theft, fraud, exploitation. Pressure in connection with wills, property, inheritance or financial transactions. Misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits. Unpaid bills. Basic needs not being met. lack of cash on day to day basis. InstitutionalAbuse Abusive Action Signs & Symptoms Poor care standards, lack of positive responses to complex needs. Rigid routines. Inadequate staffing. Insufficient knowledge base within service. Inability to make choices or decisions. Agitation if routine broken. Disorientation. Patterns of challenging behaviour- Discriminatory Abusive Action Signs & Symptoms Racist, sexist, or that based on a person's disability. Other forms of harassment, slurs or similar treatment. Failure of agencies to ensure that staff receive adequate anti-discrimination practice training. Low self esteem. Withdrawal. Depression. Fear. Anger. Risk Indicators
Friday, September 27, 2019
Alcohol Abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Alcohol Abuse - Essay Example The marital conflict is common in the family where alcohol is abused. Conflicts arise due to mismatching of goals and aspirations. The spouse of the person who abuses alcohol feels like isolated. Initially, dialogues between them generate small trifles but soon take a shape of major conflicts. A person with alcohol abuse becomes less and less tolerant toward other family members and resorts to violence frequently. Often, children suffer most. Aggressive behavior becomes routine. If the person with alcohol abuse does not realize this in time, marital relationship may be broken off completely (Alcohol Problems in Intimate Relationships 2003). Alcohol abuse causes strain in social relationships too. Such persons often fail to act on its obligations as per the normal adult. The person becomes socially less active and feels more secured in their alcohol consumption. Any socialization process is strengthened through mutual cooperation and communication but that falls back with the person involved with alcohol. Apart from violence, other issues that start surfacing in the life of a person who indulges into alcohol abuse are economic insecurity, jealousy, infidelity culminating into divorce (Alcohol Problems in Intimate Relationships 2003). Past experience has a significant impact on the current behavior. Widom et al. (2001) cites about the study done by Ireland and Widom on 908 children with legally proved abuse and another group of 667 children without any abusive histories. The study was to find out whether childhood victimization was resulting into alcohol related abuse during adult age. The study did conclude that in case of females alcohol abuse during adult age was related to the childhood victimization; however, same study also concluded that childhood victimization in case of males was not causing alcohol or other drug abuse. A follow up study also came to the same conclusion. The authors further argue that physical or sexual
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Lab Report Example Invention of polymerase chain reaction and thermo stable DNA polymerase has revolutionized this concept. Many techniques like Variable tandem repeat (VNTRs) and Short Tandem Repeat(STRs) based Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism(AFLP) or DNA fingerprinting, Gender ID (Amelogenin), Mitochondrial D-Loop DNA for Maternal identification etc. have been developed for forensic investigations. PM&DQA1 is the first PCR based typing system, developed by the scientist at Cetus Corporation and commercialized by Applied Biosystems. Inc. PM& DQA1 is simple and rapid technique mainly employed in case of limited DNA sample or in case of highly degraded DNA. The test is performed on 6 different loci to investigate pleomorphism using hybridization based Reverse DOT-BLOT methodology. The major limitation of this technique is its differentiating power due to limited diversity found among 6 loci among different human population. Crime investigation obtained new direction after invention of DNA based techniques for identification of criminals. The biggest advantage of DNA based techniques is the requirement of very small amount of biological samples which includes blood, hair, semen etc. Invention of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and thermo stable DNA polymerase has revolutionized these DNA based techniques due to its immense power of DNA multiplication. There are many DNA based techniques that are employed for detection of crime and criminals including Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP), Variable tandem repeat (VNTRs) and Short Tandem Repeat(STRs) based Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism(AFLP) or DNA fingerprinting, Gender ID (Amelogenin), Mitochondrial D-Loop DNA for Matrilineal identification. Criminal identification based on human body parts or component has been used since last century as part of forensic investigations. The classical example being Human finger prints which was recogn ized by British physician Sir Francis Galton (1). In the beginning of 20th century many physiologists and doctors realized that blood cell has distinct antigens and they are different from individual to individuals. Initially blood cell antigens were taken into consideration only in case of blood transfusion and surgery but later on its forensic utilities were realized and it was employed to solve problem of paternity dispute, child mix-up etc. Those days blood samples saliva and semen samples were produced in court as evidence against criminals but it was not taken as conclusive evidence due to its limited distinguished power. In 1970, the things started to change after discovery of DNA structure and the increases in the understanding of its variability between individual to individual. Once DNA was established as target molecule for forensic investigation, many researchers came forward with different methodology and different locus having higher variability like micro and mini sat ellites. Initially there were many questions that were raised over methodologies and interpretation of DNA based identification systems. But thorough investigation and population genetics based
Facebook Inc Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Facebook Inc - Term Paper Example User can then enjoy its services including the exchanging of messages, joining groups that suit them like their schools or work places. Facebook was started by Markl Zuckerberg together with his friends and roommates from college. When it started it only gave membership to the students of Harvard. It later spread out incorporating other colleges in Boston. Eventually its number increased to students in high schools and anybody above the age of 13. This does not mean that there are no children below 13 years who have Facebook accounts. A research by Consumer Reports reported that there are about 20 million children below 13 years who have Facebook accounts thereby breaching its terms of service. In 2009, Facebook was ranked as the most famous social networking site. Most fans of facebook commend it stating that Facebook helps them remember their colleagues and friends’ birthdays, bug their friends, play games, chat with long term friends among other uses. Its critics are howeve r complaining that is has become an obsession especially in the United States. They have complained that it is a time waster and supports narcissism. Facebook is estimated to have about 150 million new visitors from the United States in May 2011. Two years ago, it was estimated that about 42% of the population in United States had opened up Facebook accounts. In May 2011, its market growth started deteriorating; it lost 7 million users especially in Canada and the United States. This paper will discuss the market trends, market structure, business environment, pricing strategies, and government role. It will also analyze the nature of its products and services in United States as compared to other countries. 1. Nature of Product/Service Facebook Life cycle A product Life cycle is significant in marketing. These stages are Introduction, Growth, Maturity, and Decline. Sales are not as important in the introduction stage not unless the brand has already taken effect. At the introductio n stage, the users are introduced to the service where they are expected to register. Users are able to request their friends to join Facebook. This stage usually has its users using it for communication and networking. At the growth stage, Facebook starts inventing new features but not many registrations come up. This is where users employ the services mainly for commercial use. The maturity stage does not have much going. Registrations greatly reduce, and some users may opt to terminate their accounts. Finally, the decline stage has more people terminating their accounts than joining. A good example of a social site at this stage is MySpace. According to a recent research carried out, investors would rethink of their decision to join Facebook before doing so. This is due to the fact that Facebook is currently at the downward slope of the life cycle, especially in its major markets like the United States of America. Even though Facebook appears to be doing perfectly well as will be discussed in this paper, it is in its third stage, which is maturity, heading to the fourth stage, which is decline particularly in most of its biggest markets in the world. The first sign of its decline was the report on its traffic drop in its largest markets: United States and Canada. The first time, it lost about six million users. It has continually fluctuated around this figure since then. At the same time, UK, Russia and Norway recorded a loss of about 100, 000. Facebook’s reports do not however, indicate these figures, but instead reflects a growth. This growth is said to be gained from countries that have embraced Facebook late. Role of technology Facebook’
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The new york times, The Bes tLaws Money Can Buy July 12, 2010 Essay
The new york times, The Bes tLaws Money Can Buy July 12, 2010 - Essay Example The Private Equity council, which has eight partners, has paid Capitol Tax $ 30000 per month for keeping the taxes of its members low. Considering the amount spent by other firms on the same issue, the total amount spent for a favourable carried-interest tax i.e. the 20% fee that fund managers get from the fund's profits, may be $15 million. With lobbying, the law makers agreed to a compromise on carried- interest tax. That is, part of the earnings will be taxed at the regular rate and another part at a lower capital-gains rate (Brill). The new proposals are made effective from 2011 meaning additional tax savings worth $2 million for clients. The intention of the reformers has been to make the Americas’ wealthiest pay taxes the same graduated income-tax rate that ordinary persons do (Brill). But the opposite happened. Financial-regulatory-reform bill To reconcile differences over the financial reform bill between the Senate and the House of Representatives, two week- long conf erence committee was convened and the proceedings were telecasted to make the process transparent. But the real action happened in the night after the televised sessions are over. In public, the two sides made offers and acceptance which were fixed earlier behind closed doors (Brill). 2000 lobbyists are registered in 2010 to lobby for the financial industry. They watch proceedings of the conference live and perform surgical strikes (Brill). Volcker Rule The Volcker rule prohibits banks from putting their own money into risky ventures such as private-equity or real estate deals (Brill). It is aimed to prevent another financial crisis. Bankers do not like such rules. So their lobbyists tried to insert some provisions that would allow some percentage of funds to go into high-risk deals, delay the rule's implementation or exempt some big players (Brill). Two lobbyists tried to influence the Volcker rule. The argument of one lobbyist is that the government is giving tax credits for encou raging green energy investments. As banks making consistent profits have large tax liabilities, they can make use of tax credit. Hooper of Capitol tax tried to get the same benefit for members of the American Wind Energy Association. According to Hooper, lobbyists work with legislators and staff to avoid unintended consequences of well-intended proposals (Brill) The lobbyists were able to get exception for most mutual fund companies and allowed banks to manage their funds. Banks can make investments up to 3% of their capital. Banks were allowed to define their capital. Those who got exception on the basis of energy deals won a provision tucked into a paragraph on page 670 that, depending on how the implementation rules get written, might allow exceptions for investments in small or start-up businesses that "promote the public welfare (Brill)." Originally, the House Bill consisted of 1615 pages. The Senate version consisted of 165 pages. The final Bill, however, consisted of 2319 pag es. On every page, dozens of phrases were added which have diverse interpretations. Variations in language imply millions in profit. The more complex bills are becoming, it becomes easier to manipulate. President Obama, does not permit lobbyist to function in his office. The 1914 law establishing the Federal Trade Commission was eight pages (Brill). The 1935 Social Security Act, which also included unemployment compensation, child-welfare services and a complex allotment to
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Fundamentals of Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Fundamentals of Finance - Essay Example Photos: Interior view of one of the master bedrooms showing a spacious area within the room. The outside view of the property showing a cultivated front yard suited with garbage cans and showing spacious distance from one property block to the next. The arrangement of the apartments allows a personal parking lot to the front and a walk through pavement connecting from the main residential interstate roads. Weblink: Purchasing Price: ?59,500 The annual cash flows expected from the investment target is ?850 per calendar month as the area has competitive rental market given that area is spacious and secluded from industrial zones, hence fore, investors in this area are driven by the market valuation of the properties as well as the location which raises the expected valuation of the property to be higher than the market price. The market price of the same property along the Greater Manchester area is set at ?650 with regards to the proximity of properties and roads, shopping malls, security of the area, and demand and supply of rental properties along the same area. However the expected rental amount from this particular property is ?850 as the property is new, all its features are functional and the seclusion from the industrial areas makes the property higher valued than its market competition counterparts. Therefore, for Mr. Priddin to invest in this property, his annual cash flows are calculated as Annual Cash Flows Expected Investment Target: ?850 Per Calendar Month (PCM) = (?850 x 12) = ?10,200 The rationale of providing rental service for ?850 per month is because; after investigating the rental prices for 2 bedroom flats and apartments around the Little Lever Bolton within the Greater Manchester area, it is found out those property rentals per calendar month range from ?150-700 with regards to conditions and luxury facilities. With regards to the presence of communal gardens and the easy access to ground floor apartments, the prices for these properties are kept higher than the market price at either the threshold of ?700 PCM or above at ?1000. With Mr. Priddin expecting a 6% return on investment, the future value of the property is calculated as Perpetuity = (Rental Price x Months in a year)/r Therefore, If Mr. Priddin is to purchase this property at ?59,500 his annual returns would be Perpetuity = (850*12 months)/r = 10,200/0.06 = ?170,000 Hence fore, the present value of the future cash flows of ?170,000 is higher than the current selling price of ?59,500 and is therefore a good investment for Mr. Priddin to invest in. A) If as a landlord Mr. Priddin would like to keep this property and rent it forever raising the rent at the rate of 4%, is it advisable for Mr. Priddin to purchase this property? Then Using P = Co*(1+g)/r-g his return on investment would be calculated with regards to the purchase price of the property C0 divided by the difference between the return on in vestment and expected less the rate of rent increase per year. P = C1/r-g P = 59500/6% - 4% P = ?2,975,000 With respect to the present value of the future cash flows of ?2,975,000 the purchase price of the property is lower and therefore the property is still worth buying. The difference between the present value of the property and the future cash f
Monday, September 23, 2019
Collapse Contractual Issues Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Collapse Contractual Issues - Research Paper Example Additionally, the staff who worked for Illinois’ Home services program would receive their payment through federal Medicaid funding, which operated as a personal assistant for individuals who needed care. The court ruled that the employees were no supposed to be forced to join the Union because they were not fully-fledged state employees. The ethical dimension in the case is that people have the will and freedom to choose what they want and that there was no violation of the First Amendment. The matter was settled in court where the court decided that the workers could not be compelled to join the union on the basis that the members were not fully-fledged state employees because employees are fired and hired by individual patients through Medicaid. Additionally, the decision of the court did not invalidate the compulsory union membership for the bigger population of public employees. As an administrator, I would have convinced the employees to join the labor unions in order to benefit from the full benefits. This would have been done by creating awareness in the workplace and help the employees understand the meaning of being in a labor union (Pozgar, 2014). By so doing, the matter would not have gone to court and the problem would be prevented in
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Hear My Cry Essay Example for Free
Hear My Cry Essay Big Ma took Stacey, T. J. and Cassie to Strawberry to the market and also to take T. J. to the Barnetts Mercantile. While they were in the market field Cassie pointed out to Big Ma that they were all the way at the end of the field and no-one would be able to see them. The white peoples wagons were right at the front and if anyone wanted to come to the Logans wagon, by the time they got there they would have bunions on their soles and corns on their toes. Additionally in Strawberry, when Cassie was in the Barnetts Mercantile Mr Barnett was taking a long time to see to T. J. s list. He kept on going to help white people and then came back and didnt even put in another item when he started to help a little white girl. When Cassie saw this she became slightly angry and thought Mr. Barnett had forgotten about T. J. s list. Cassie went to tell Mr. Barnett of T. J. s list and tugged at his sleeve. He recoiled and told her to wait. Then she got even angrier and told him that he had taken ages for their turn. Thats when Mr Barnett screamed, Whose little nigger is this? Stacey dragged Cassie out of the store and told her to shush. Mr Barnett was not being fair to the children and was treating them horribly. Once Cassie was outside she accidently bumped into Lillian Jean. She didnt want to create a fuss so when Lillian Jean asked her to apologize she did. But Lillian Jean wanted more; so she ordered Cassie into the road. Of course Cassie wasnt going to do that. When Lillian Jean went to grab Cassies arm, Cassie pulled it back but someone caught it and held it tight so it hurt. This was Mr Simms. He shoved her into the road and Cassie fell on her bottom. He told her to listen to Lillian Jean when she asked Cassie to get in the road. He asked her to apologize and Cassie said she had. When Mr Simms jumped into the road Cassie got really scared and thought her would hit her but he didnt. Then she got up and ran to the wagon but somebody caught her, it was Big Ma. Then Big Ma told Cassie to apologize but Cassie still argued. Once again Big Ma told her and this time Cassie did. But Mr Simms demanded her to say Miz before his daughters name. And with a painful tear Cassie did. You can tell how upset she was because in the book it says; No day in all my life had been as cruel as this one. Lastly, in the final chapters T. J. had become friends with R. W. and Melvin. But the Simms boys used this to their advantage. They would laugh behind T. J. s back but not in front of him. Then one day they forced him to break into the Barnetts Mercantile and stole the pearl handle pistol. Also Mr and Mrs Barnett were left for dead. T. J. got all the blame and the Simms stood there watching when the Wallaces came for T. J. , T. J. got sent to jail and was to go to court while the Simms boys were left free. In conclusion, all white people had superiority over the black community. They didnt treat them with respect, except a few (example; Jeremy and Mr Jamison). Blacks had to call white people Miss or Mr. And white people made the law not blacks. They could hang a black for any reason, or no reason at all and no questions were asked. Black people were treated unfairly and unjustly. Saimah Sarwar 10a English GCSE Coursework Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mildred Taylor section.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Psoriasis Case Study
Psoriasis Case Study Case Study P.D. a twenty-three-year-old female presents with symptoms of psoriasis. She has several thick scaly, well defined, erythematous plaques, which are silvery in color. The patient reports that she has just returned from a twelve-day trip to southern Louisiana to work the ecosystem as part of her education as an environmental engineer. During the trip, she had significant solar exposure, although she wore sunscreen. The expanded and prominent plaques cover her elbows and thighs, and there is a patch on her scalp. Her lesions cover about fifteen percent of her body. She occasionally applies moisturizing lotion or witch hazel if it becomes too irritating. All other body systems are normal. Patient states â€Å"I have always had some rashes, although usually not this bad.†Past Medical History â€Å"Some rashes, otherwise non-contributory Social History Recent trip to southern Louisiana for ecosystem work related to studies as an environmental engineer. Physical Examination Several thick scaly, well define, erythematous plagues, silver in color. Expanded plague and prominent plagues cover elbows and thighs, with an area on the scalp. Plague coverage is fifteen percent of the body. Significant sun exposure All other body systems are within normal limits. Reviewing the symptoms, the primary diagnosis is plague psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin in which the production of epidermal cells occurs at a rate that is faster than normal. The cells in the basal layer of the skin divide too quickly, and the newly formed cells move rapidly to the skin surface and become evident as profuse scales or plagues of epidermal tissue. The psoriatic epidermal cell may travel from the basal cell layer to the stratum corneum and be cast off in three to four days, which is in sharp contrast to the normal twenty-six to twenty-eight days. As a result of the increased number of basal cells and rapid cell passage, the normal events of cell maturation and growth cannot take place. This abnormal process does not allow the formation of the protective layers of the skin (PubMed Health, 2012). Psoriasis, one of the most common skin diseases, affects approximately two percent of the population. There appears to be a hereditary defect that causes overpopulation of keratin. The primary defect is unknown. A combination of specific genetic makeup and environmental stimuli may trigger the onset of the disease. There is evidence that the cell proliferation is mediated by the immune system. Periods of emotional stress and anxiety aggravate the condition, and trauma, infections, and seasonal and hormonal changes are trigger factors. The onset may occur at any age, but is most common between the ages of ten and thirty-five years. Psoriasis has a tendency to improve and then recur throughout life (PubMed Health, 2012). The clinical manifestation The lesions appear as red, raised patches of skin covered with silvery scales. The scaly patches are formed by the buildup of living and dead skin that results from the vast increase in the rate of skin-cell growth and turnover. If the scales are scraped away, the dark red base of the lesion is exposed, producing multiple bleeding points. These patches are not moist and may or may not itch. The lesions may remain small, giving rise to the term â€Å"guttate psoriasis. Usually, the lesions enlarge slowly, but after many months they coalesce, forming extensive irregular shaped patches (PubMed Health, 2012). Psoriasis may range from a cosmetic source of annoyance to a physically disabling and disfiguring affliction. Particular sites of the body tend to be affected by this ailment; they include the scalp, the area over the elbows and knees, the lower part of the back, and the genitalia. Psoriasis also appears on the extensor surfaces of the arms and legs, on the scalp and ears, and over the sacrum and intergluteal fold. Bilateral symmetry is a feature of Psoriasis (Brunton, Chabner, Knollman, 2011). The disease may be associated with arthritis of multiple joints, causing crippling disability. The relationship between arthritis and psoriasis is not understood. Another complication is an exfoliative psoritic state in which the disease progresses to involve the total body surface (Brunton, Chabner, Knollman, 2011). Management The goals of management are to reduce the rapid turnover of the epidermis and to promote resolution of the psoriatic lesions. Thus, the goal is limited to control of the problem, because there is no cure (Brunton, Chabner, Knollman, 2011). The therapeutic approach should be one that the patient understands; it should be cosmetically acceptable and not too disruptive of life-style. It will involve a commitment of time and effort by the patient. First, any precipitating or aggravating factors are removed. Then as assessment is made of life-style, since psoriasis is significantly affected by stress. The patient must also be advised that treatment of severe psoriasis can be time-consuming, expensive, and esthetically unappealing at times. Treatment will begin with Vectical ointment (calcitriol) 3mcg/g, topical use only. Apply twice daily, once in the morning and once in the evening, the maximum weekly dose should not exceed 200 gram (National Institute of Health, 2012). Treatment will extend to eight weeks, with follow up in office at that time. Each gram contains 3 micrograms of calcitriol. Vectical should not be applied to the face, eyes, or lips. It should be used with caution in patients receiving medications known to increase calcium serum levels, such as calcium supplements, vitamin D supplements, and thiazide diuretics. Vectical may cause sunburn more easily, avoid the sun, sunlamps, or tanning beds while using Vectical ointment. Use a sunscreen or wear protective clothing when having to be outside for more than a short time (National Institute of Health, 2012). Vectical ointment is indicated for the topical treatment of mild to moderate plague psoriasis in adults eighteen years and older. Calcitriol (Vectical) contains 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol, the hormone active form of vitamin D3. Calcitriol 3-mcg/g ointment is similar in efficacy to calcipotriene 0.005-% ointment for the treatment of plague type psoriasis on the body and is better tolerated in intertriginous and sensitive areas of the skin (Katzung, Mastes, Trevor, 2012). Vectical contains calcitriol, which studies have shown to be fetotoxic, and should be used in pregnancy only if the potential benefits justify the potential risk to the fetus. It is not known if calcitriol is excreted in human milk. Because many drugs are excreted in human milk, caution should be exercised when Vectical ointment is used by nursing women. If the patient thinks she may be pregnant, they will need to discuss the benefits and risks of using Vectical ointment while pregnant (Katzung, Mastes, Trevor, 2 012). Patient Education Use only as directed, for external use only. Vectical is to be applied only to areas of skin affected by psoriasis. Vectical should be gently rubbed into the skin so that no medication remains visible. As you may sunburn more easily, avoid the sun, sunlamps, or suntan beds/booths while using Vectical ointment. Use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or greater; wear protective clothing when you must be outside for more than a short time (Brunton, Chabner, Knollman, 2011). All medications may cause side effects, but many have no, or minor, side effects. Minor skin discomfort at the application site is the most common side effect of Vectical ointment. Notify the medical provider if these side effects occur; rash, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, chest tightness, swelling of the face, mouth or lips, new or worsening skin irritation ( blistering, flushing, burning, severe discomfort, or redness), symptoms of hypercalcemia (weakness, nausea, confusion, constipation, excessive thirst, fast, slow or irregular heartbeat) (National Institute of Health, 2012). Treatment Plan Vectical (calcitriol) 3mcg/g, 100 G tube; twice daily. Follow up appointment in eight weeks. Laboratory testing to include calcium serum levels and hCG testing now and at followup visit. Additional laboratory testing to include skin biopsy for fungal infection. Patient education on use and precautions of medications, and supplements. Referral to psoriasis support group for emotional support and education. Differential Diagnosis Review of symptoms and history of working in the environment leads to questioning if the patient presentation is a case of Tine Corporis and Tina Capitis. As the patient was in an environmental area that is subject to large fungal growth and exposure to a wet climate increases the risks for fungal infestation, this is the differential diagnosis (Brunton, Chabner, Knollman, 2011). Tina capitis is a contagious fungal infection of the hair shafts. Microsporum and Trichophyton species are dermatophytes that infect hair. Clinically, one or several round patches of redness and scaling are present. Tinea Corporis or Tina circinata begins as an erythematous macule advancing to rings of vesicles with central clearing. The lesions appear in clusters, usually on exposed areas of the body. These may extend to the scalp, hair, or nails. As a rule, there is an elevated border consisting of small papules or vesicles. Coalescence of individual rings may result in large patches with bizarre scalloped borders. Use of a woods lamp will help in the diagnosis. The fungal infection will glow under the light. Skin biopsy will confirm the presence of fungal infestation (Katzung, Mastes, Trevor, 2012). References Brunton, L., Chabner, B., Knollman, B. (2011). Goodman Gilmans: The pharmacological basis of therapeutics (12 ed.). McGraw-Hill. Katzung, B., Mastes, S., Trevor, A. (2012). Basic Clinical Pharmacology (12 ed.). McGraw-Hill. National Institute of Health. (2012, January). Vectical ointment. Retrieved from U.S. National Library of Medicine: PubMed Health. (2012, November). Psoriasis. Retrieved from PubMed Health:
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